Android 12 Hidden Features Probably Didn’t Know About

Google announced the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro, both of which will be released next week and will come with Android 13, Google’s latest mobile software update is Android 13. Nowadays, only some Google Pixel owners can download and install the new update, while most will have to wait until the end of this year or possibly 2023 to get Android 13.

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In this story, we will show you how to recover accidentally deleted notifications, use your phone with only one hand, and much more. Check out what Android 12 has to offer below.

Android 12, the latest iteration of Google’s mobile operating system, has brought a plethora of features designed to enhance the user experience. While many are readily apparent, many hidden gems are waiting to be discovered. In this article, we’ll explore some Android 12 features you probably didn’t know about, unlocking new possibilities for customization, privacy, and overall device performance.

Check these out to learn more about how you can improve your Android experience, 20 Most Popular Android Tips for Performance and Productivity.

What is Android 12 Hidden Features

Android 12, the latest iteration of Google’s mobile operating system, comes packed with a host of exciting features, some of which are hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be discovered by tech enthusiasts. One notable addition is the Privacy Dashboard, offering users a comprehensive view of how apps access sensitive information, empowering them with greater control over their data.

Another hidden gem is the Mic and Camera Indicators, which provide users with visual cues whenever an app accesses the microphone or camera, enhancing privacy awareness.

The Quick Settings menu has received a makeover, featuring larger tiles for improved accessibility. Moreover, the revamped One-Handed Mode facilitates easier navigation on larger screens by shifting the user interface downward.

Best Android 12 Hidden Features

Game Mode Dashboard

The Game Mode Dashboard in Android 12 is a hidden gem that caters specifically to gaming enthusiasts, providing a seamless and enhanced gaming experience on mobile devices. This feature creates a dedicated space for gaming-related functionalities, consolidating key tools and settings to optimize gameplay. The Game Mode Dashboard allows users to access various gaming options, such as screen recording, performance settings, and notifications management, all in one centralized location.

One notable aspect of the Game Mode Dashboard is its ability to prioritize system resources for the game at hand. By fine-tuning the device’s performance settings, it ensures that the game receives maximum processing power, minimizing lag and enhancing overall gameplay smoothness. This optimization is particularly beneficial for resource-intensive games, providing users with an immersive and responsive gaming environment.

Additionally, the Game Mode Dashboard incorporates tools for capturing and sharing gameplay moments effortlessly. The built-in screen recording feature allows users to record their gaming sessions with high quality, enabling them to showcase achievements, strategies, or memorable in-game moments.

Audio-coupled haptic effect

Android 12 introduces several hidden features that users might not be aware of, and one noteworthy addition is the audio-coupled haptic effect. Essentially, it means that when you’re listening to music, watching videos, or playing games on your Android 12 device, the haptic feedback aligns with the audio cues.

For instance, during a bass-heavy music track, the device’s haptic motor could generate vibrations that resonate with the rhythm, providing a tactile sensation that complements the audio experience. Similarly, in gaming, the haptic feedback can be synchronized with in-game events, making the gameplay more immersive. This subtle yet impactful integration of audio and haptic feedback adds a new dimension to the way users interact with their devices, offering a multisensory experience that goes beyond traditional audio and visual elements.

The audio-coupled haptic effect not only showcases the advancements in hardware capabilities but also demonstrates Android’s commitment to refining the user interface. As users become more accustomed to these nuanced interactions, the integration of audio-coupled haptic feedback could become a standard feature across various applications, enhancing accessibility and engagement on Android 12 devices.

One-Handed Mode

Android 12 introduces a convenient and user-friendly feature known as One-Handed Mode, designed to enhance the accessibility of larger smartphones. This feature aims to make it easier for users to navigate and interact with their devices using just one hand.

Once activated, One-Handed Mode shifts the entire user interface downward, bringing essential elements like buttons, menus, and the keyboard within comfortable reach of the user’s thumb. This proves particularly helpful for individuals with larger smartphones, ensuring a more ergonomic and efficient experience.

To activate One-Handed Mode, users can typically swipe down on the bottom part of the screen or use a designated gesture, providing a seamless solution for improved one-handed usability.

Material You

Android 12 introduces a game-changing feature called “Material You,” revolutionizing the way users interact with their devices. Material You takes customization to a whole new level, allowing users to personalize their user interface like never before. With this feature, Android users can now tailor the look and feel of their devices to match their individual style preferences.

Material You goes beyond traditional theming options by dynamically extracting colors from the user’s chosen wallpaper. This means that the system adapts its color scheme based on the predominant colors in the background image, creating a seamless and aesthetically pleasing visual experience. This level of personalization extends to various elements of the user interface, including the system accent color, notification shade, and even certain app interfaces.

What sets Material You apart is its ability to create a cohesive and harmonious design across the entire system. By intelligently selecting colors from the wallpaper, Android 12 ensures that the overall visual experience is not only customizable but also visually pleasing. This dynamic theming capability adds a touch of individuality to the user interface, allowing users to express their personality through their device’s appearance.

Easter Eggs Galore!

Android 12 brings a plethora of hidden features, and among them are delightful Easter eggs waiting to be discovered. Beyond the surface-level updates, users can embark on a fun scavenger hunt to unveil these hidden gems.

One such Easter egg involves tapping the Android version multiple times in the settings, revealing a playful animation or mini-game. These whimsical surprises add an element of charm to the user experience, showcasing the attention to detail that Android developers have embedded in the latest version.

So, next time you navigate through your Android 12 device, don’t just focus on the obvious improvements – take a moment to uncover the joyous Easter eggs that await your exploration.

24-Hour Notification History

Android 12 comes with a host of hidden features that often go unnoticed, and one such gem is the 24-hour notification history. This feature allows users to review their past notifications over the last 24 hours, providing a convenient way to catch up on missed alerts or revisit important information.

By accessing this notification history, users can effortlessly track their interactions and stay organized, ensuring they never miss a crucial message or update. It’s a subtle yet powerful addition to Android 12, offering users greater control and accessibility to their device’s notification ecosystem.

2×2 App Button Layout

Android 12 introduces several hidden features that users may not be aware of, and one such noteworthy addition is the 2×2 App Button Layout. This feature allows users to customize the arrangement of their app buttons, providing a more personalized and efficient user experience.

The 2×2 App Button Layout enables users to organize their app icons in a 2×2 grid format on the home screen or app drawer. This grid layout allows for a more compact and organized display of frequently used applications, making it easier for users to access their favorite apps quickly.

To activate the 2×2 App Button Layout, users can long-press on a space on their home screen or enter the app drawer. From there, they can choose the option to edit or customize the layout of their app icons. The 2×2 grid option should be available among the layout choices. Once selected, users can drag and drop their app icons into the desired positions within the 2×2 grid.

Improved Privacy Settings

Android 12 brings several hidden features that enhance user privacy, with one notable improvement being in the privacy settings. The update introduces a more intuitive and comprehensive approach to managing app permissions. Users now have more granular control over their data, allowing them to grant or deny access to specific aspects such as camera, microphone, location, and more.

One significant aspect of the improved privacy settings is the addition of approximate location permission. Instead of granting precise location data to an app, users can opt to provide only an approximate location, preserving a higher level of privacy. This feature is particularly beneficial for applications that don’t require pinpoint accuracy, offering a balance between functionality and user data protection.

Furthermore, Android 12 introduces an enhanced dashboard that provides a clearer overview of app activities. Users can easily identify which applications have accessed sensitive data and when they did so. This transparency empowers users to make informed decisions about which apps they trust with their personal information.

New Widgets

Android 12 introduced a range of exciting features that enhance user experience, and one standout addition is the introduction of new widgets. These widgets provide a fresh and customizable way for users to interact with their devices, offering a personalized touch to the home screen. With Android 12, users can now easily access relevant information and perform quick actions directly from the home screen, thanks to these dynamic and visually appealing widgets.

The new widgets in Android 12 go beyond just being aesthetically pleasing; they are designed to be more functional and user-friendly. Users can now choose from a variety of widget options, allowing them to display real-time information, control settings, or even launch specific apps with a single tap.

This level of customization empowers users to tailor their home screens according to their preferences and priorities, making the overall Android experience more intuitive and efficient.


Android 12’s hidden features represent a giant leap forward in the realm of mobile operating systems. From personalized theming to enhanced privacy features, Android 12 combines innovation with user-centric design. As users explore the depths of this update, the seamless integration of cutting-edge technology ensures a delightful and secure smartphone experience.


Is Android 12 compatible with older devices?

A. Android 12 is designed to be compatible with a wide range of devices, but it’s essential to check the official list of eligible devices for updates.

How does Android 12 impact battery life?

A. Android 12 focuses on optimizing battery consumption through efficient resource management, ensuring a balance between performance and longevity.

Can I customize the theme of individual apps in Android 12?

A. Yes, Android 12’s Material You design philosophy allows users to customize the theme of individual apps, providing a personalized experience.

What security measures does Android 12 have in place?

A. Android 12 introduces an enhanced privacy dashboard, app permissions monitoring, and other security features to ensure user data remains secure.

When can I expect to receive the Android 12 update on my device?

A. The timeline for Android 12 updates varies by device and manufacturer. Check with your device manufacturer for specific release schedules.

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