Best Android Camera Apps for Android to Make Photo and Video

Best Android Camera Apps for Android: In today’s digital age, smartphones have become more than just communication devices; they are powerful tools for capturing memories. With the advancement of technology, the quality of smartphone cameras has significantly improved, allowing you to take stunning photos and videos right from your pocket devices. However, to truly unlock the full potential of your Android device’s camera, it’s essential to equip it with the right camera app.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best Android camera apps available in the market that can elevate your photography and videography experience.

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Android camera apps are third-party applications designed to enhance the functionality of your device’s built-in camera. While most smartphones come with pre-installed camera apps, these default options often lack advanced features and customization settings. Third-party camera apps offer a wide range of features, including manual controls, advanced editing tools, and unique shooting modes, allowing users to unleash their creativity and capture stunning visuals.

Importance of Choosing the Right Camera App

The choice of camera app can significantly impact the quality of your photos and videos. A good camera app not only enhances the capabilities of your device’s camera but also provides a seamless and user-friendly experience. Whether you’re a professional photographer or an amateur enthusiast, having the right tools at your disposal can make a world of difference in the outcome of your shots.

Top 5 Android Camera Apps

Google Camera

  • Developed by Google, Google Camera is known for its simple yet powerful interface and advanced imaging algorithms.
  • Key features include HDR+, Night Sight, Portrait Mode, and Lens Blur, allowing users to capture stunning photos in any lighting condition.

Open Camera

  • Open Camera is a free, open-source camera app that offers a wide range of manual controls and customization options.
  • It features support for RAW format, manual focus, exposure bracketing, and grid overlays, giving users full control over their shots.

Camera FV-5

  • Camera FV-5 is a professional-grade camera app designed for photography enthusiasts and professionals.
  • It offers manual controls for adjusting exposure, focus, and white balance, as well as support for RAW format and long-exposure photography.

ProCam X

  • ProCam X is a feature-packed camera app that combines professional-grade features with a user-friendly interface.
  • It offers manual controls, live histograms, burst mode, and 4K video recording, making it ideal for both photo and video enthusiasts.

Adobe Lightroom

  • Adobe Lightroom is more than just a camera app; it’s a comprehensive photo editing solution with powerful camera features.
  • It offers advanced editing tools, presets, and filters, allowing users to capture and edit stunning photos with ease.

10 Best Android Camera Apps

1. Google Camera

Google Camera stands out for its advanced imaging algorithms and intuitive user interface. It offers a range of features like HDR+, Night Sight, and Portrait Mode, allowing users to capture stunning photos in any lighting condition. The app’s simple yet powerful interface makes it easy to access various shooting modes and settings, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

2. Open Camera

Open Camera is a popular choice among photography enthusiasts due to its open-source nature and extensive customization options. The app offers manual controls for adjusting exposure, focus, and white balance, as well as support for RAW format and grid overlays. While its interface may not be as polished as some other apps, its flexibility and feature set make it a versatile tool for capturing high-quality photos and videos.

3. Camera FV-5

Camera FV-5 is designed for users who prefer manual controls and customization options. It offers a range of advanced features like manual exposure, focus, and white balance controls, as well as support for RAW format and long-exposure photography. While its interface may seem daunting to beginners, its powerful features make it a favorite among photography enthusiasts and professionals.

4. ProCam X

ProCam X strikes a balance between professional-grade features and user-friendly design. It offers manual controls, live histograms, burst mode, and 4K video recording, making it suitable for both photo and video enthusiasts. The app’s intuitive interface and comprehensive feature set make it a top choice for users looking to take their photography and videography to the next level.

5. Adobe Lightroom

Adobe Lightroom stands out for its powerful editing capabilities and seamless integration with Adobe’s Creative Cloud ecosystem. While it offers basic camera features like HDR and manual controls, its real strength lies in its editing tools, presets, and filters. The app allows users to capture photos in RAW format and edit them with professional-grade precision, making it a favorite among photography enthusiasts and professionals alike.

6. Cymera

Cymera is a feature-packed camera app with a focus on beauty and portrait photography. It offers beauty filters, makeup effects, and selfie enhancements, making it a popular choice among selfie enthusiasts and social media users.

7. Manual Camera

Manual Camera is designed for users who prefer full manual control over their photography settings. It offers manual focus, shutter speed, ISO, and white balance controls, empowering users to fine-tune their shots for optimal results.

8. Snap Camera HDR

Snap Camera HDR combines powerful manual controls with high dynamic range (HDR) imaging capabilities. It offers advanced shooting modes, including burst mode, panorama, and time-lapse, along with real-time filters and editing tools.

With its advanced features and intuitive interface, Snap Camera HDR allows users to take photos with greater depth and clarity, capturing details in both bright and dark areas of the scene. Whether you’re shooting landscapes, portraits, or anything in between, Snap Camera HDR provides the tools you need to enhance your photos and unleash your creativity.

With its wide range of settings and filters, this app is perfect for both amateur photographers looking to improve their skills and professionals seeking a versatile tool for their mobile photography needs.

9. Footej Camera

Footej Camera is known for its minimalist interface and robust feature set. It offers manual controls, RAW support, burst mode, and 4K video recording, catering to users who value simplicity without compromising on functionality.

Footej Camera is a popular photography app that offers a range of features for capturing high-quality images and videos on Android devices. With its intuitive interface and powerful tools, Footej Camera allows users to take control of their photography experience. From manual controls for adjusting exposure, ISO, and focus to various shooting modes like panorama and slow motion, this app caters to both casual users and photography enthusiasts.

Additionally, Footej Camera provides advanced options for image and video settings, including resolution, aspect ratio, and compression quality, ensuring users can customize their content according to their preferences. Whether you’re capturing everyday moments or aiming for professional-looking shots, Footej Camera offers a versatile solution for Android photographers.

10. Moment Pro Camera

Moment Pro Camera is a powerful tool for mobile photography enthusiasts seeking greater control and flexibility over their shots. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, such as manual controls for focus, exposure, and white balance, users can fine-tune every aspect of their images to achieve stunning results.

The app also offers RAW shooting capability, allowing for maximum image quality and post-processing flexibility. Whether capturing landscapes, portraits, or action shots, Moment Pro Camera empowers photographers to unleash their creativity and capture the perfect moment with their mobile devices.

Comparison Table

App Name Manual Controls HDR Support RAW Support Advanced Features
Google Camera Yes Yes Yes Night Sight, Portrait Mode, Lens Blur
Open Camera Yes Yes No Open-source, customizable UI
Camera FV-5 Yes Yes Yes DSLR-like manual controls
ProCam X Yes Yes Yes Live histograms, focus peaking
Adobe Lightroom Yes Yes Yes RAW editing, presets, cloud storage
Cymera No No No Beauty filters, selfie enhancements
Manual Camera Yes No Yes Manual focus, white balance
Snap Camera HDR Yes Yes Yes HDR imaging, real-time filters
Footej Camera Yes No Yes Minimalist interface, 4K video
Moment Pro Camera Yes No Yes Log profiles, manual audio

Tips for Optimizing Camera App Performance

  • Keep your camera app and operating system updated to the latest version to ensure compatibility and performance improvements.
  • Experiment with different shooting modes and settings to familiarize yourself with your chosen camera app’s capabilities.
  • Take advantage of manual controls to adjust exposure, focus, and white balance for more creative control over your shots.
  • Consider investing in external accessories like lenses and tripods to further enhance your photography and videography experience.
  • Practice regularly and explore different subjects and environments to hone your skills and discover new techniques.


Choosing the right camera app is essential for maximizing the potential of your Android device’s camera. Whether you’re a professional photographer or an amateur enthusiast, having the right tools at your disposal can make a significant difference in the quality of your photos and videos. By considering factors like user interface, features, performance, and reliability, you can find the perfect camera app that suits your needs and preferences, allowing you to capture stunning visuals and preserve precious memories for years to come.

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