Top 10 Best Moba Games For Android – To play in 2024

It started the hunt for the best MOBA games, but it’s been long since Warcraft 3’s original Defense of the Ancients mod. That was in 2003, but in 2024 the genre is still going strong. For all this attention, however, only a few games have proven to have real sticking power.

From League of Legends to some of the best PC games on consoles to mobile-focused newcomers like Pokemon Unite, we’re here to guide you through ten of the best MOBAs you can play right now.

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MOBAs are multiplayer online battle arenas, meaning that most of the games below aim to band together with like-minded players to form alliances and battle other players. It’s not only good fun but also good savings. The inherent hardware and cost accessibility of MOBAs means that if you’re in the market for some of the best laptop games or free Steam games, you could do worse than the best MOBA games listed here.

Top 14 Mobile MOBA Games 2024

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games have evolved into a genre that captivates millions of players worldwide. With their intense strategic gameplay, diverse character rosters, and competitive scenes, MOBAs offer an immersive gaming experience like no other.

In this extensive analysis, we’ll delve into the top MOBA games of today, exploring their gameplay mechanics, community dynamics, and competitive landscapes.

League of Legends (LoL)

League of Legends, developed by Riot Games, stands as one of the titans in the MOBA genre. Launched in 2009, LoL boasts a massive player base and a vibrant esports ecosystem. Its gameplay revolves around two teams battling to destroy the opposing team’s Nexus, employing a roster of diverse champions with unique abilities.

Gameplay Mechanics: LoL combines fast-paced action with strategic depth, requiring players to coordinate with their team, manage resources, and adapt to changing situations. The game’s meta evolves constantly due to frequent updates and patches, keeping the gameplay fresh and engaging.

Community Dynamics: The League of Legends community is known for its passionate fan base, diverse player demographics, and active engagement across various platforms. However, like any large gaming community, it also faces challenges such as toxicity and player behavior issues.

Esports Scene: LoL’s competitive scene is one of the most prominent in esports, with annual tournaments like the League of Legends World Championship drawing millions of viewers worldwide. Professional teams compete in regional leagues, culminating in international competitions that showcase top-tier gameplay and production value.

Dota 2

Dota 2, developed by Valve Corporation, emerged from the original Defense of the Ancients (DotA) mod for Warcraft III. Released in 2013, Dota 2 inherits the strategic depth and complexity of its predecessor while introducing new features and improvements.

Gameplay Mechanics: Dota 2 is renowned for its high skill ceiling, intricate mechanics, and emphasis on teamwork and coordination. Players control powerful heroes, each with distinct abilities and roles, in a battle to destroy the enemy Ancient. The game’s deep strategic elements, including laning, itemization, and map control, offer endless possibilities for mastery.

Community Dynamics: The Dota 2 community is known for its dedication to the game, with many players investing thousands of hours into improving their skills. However, the community also faces challenges such as toxicity and communication issues, which can impact the overall player experience.

Esports Scene: Dota 2 boasts one of the largest prize pools in esports history, thanks to The International, an annual tournament hosted by Valve. The event features top teams from around the world competing for millions of dollars in prize money, attracting millions of viewers, and setting records for crowdfunding in esports.


Smite, developed by Hi-Rez Studios, offers a unique twist on the traditional MOBA formula by adopting a third-person perspective and incorporating elements of action games. Launched in 2014, Smite has carved out its niche in the genre with its mythological theme and innovative gameplay mechanics.

Gameplay Mechanics: Smite sets itself apart with its action-oriented gameplay and skill-shot mechanics, requiring players to aim their abilities manually rather than relying on auto-targeting. The game features a diverse roster of gods and mythical creatures from various pantheons, each with their own playstyle and abilities.

Community Dynamics: The Smite community is known for its enthusiasm for mythology and lore, as well as its willingness to experiment with new strategies and tactics. While the player base may be smaller compared to larger titles like LoL and Dota 2, Smite maintains a dedicated following and active community forums.

Esports Scene: Smite’s competitive scene has grown steadily since its inception, with regular tournaments and leagues hosted by Hi-Rez Studios. The Smite World Championship serves as the pinnacle of competitive play, attracting top teams from around the world to compete for fame and glory.

Heroes of the Storm (HotS)

Heroes of the Storm, developed by Blizzard Entertainment, takes a more casual approach to the MOBA genre, focusing on accessibility and team-based gameplay. Released in 2015, HotS features iconic characters from Blizzard’s franchises, including Warcraft, Diablo, and StarCraft.

Gameplay Mechanics: HotS streamlines many traditional MOBA mechanics, such as removing individual item purchases and incorporating shared experience for the team. Matches are typically shorter compared to other MOBAs, emphasizing team fights and objective control over prolonged landing phases.

Community Dynamics: The Heroes of the Storm community is known for its passion for Blizzard’s franchises, with many players drawn to the game by their love for characters like Kerrigan, Arthas, and Tracer. While the game may not boast the same level of depth as other MOBAs, it offers a more casual and accessible experience for players of all skill levels.

Esports Scene: HotS struggled to establish itself as a major player in the esports scene, facing challenges such as declining viewership and tournament cancellations. Despite this, Blizzard continued to support the game’s competitive scene with events like the Heroes of the Storm Global Championship, providing opportunities for professional players to showcase their skills.

Arena of Valor

Arena of Valor, developed by Tencent Games, has made a significant impact in the mobile MOBA market, particularly in regions like Southeast Asia. Originally released in 2015 as “Strike of Kings” in China, the game was later rebranded and expanded to international markets.

Gameplay Mechanics: Arena of Valor offers fast-paced, streamlined gameplay designed specifically for mobile devices. Matches typically last around 15-20 minutes, making it ideal for quick gaming sessions on the go. The game features a diverse roster of heroes inspired by various mythologies and cultures, each with unique abilities and playstyles.

Community Dynamics: The Arena of Valor community is characterized by its mobile-first approach, with many players drawn to the game by its accessibility and convenience. While the game may not have the same depth as PC-based MOBAs, it has cultivated a dedicated player base and a thriving esports scene in regions like Southeast Asia.

Esports Scene: Arena of Valor’s esports scene has grown rapidly, with tournaments and leagues hosted by Tencent Games and its partners. The Arena of Valor World Cup serves as the premier international competition, attracting top teams from around the world to compete for glory and prize money.


Vainglory, developed by Super Evil Megacorp, was one of the first MOBAs designed specifically for mobile devices. Launched in 2014, Vainglory garnered praise for its stunning graphics, innovative touchscreen controls, and strategic depth.

Gameplay Mechanics: Vainglory offers a traditional MOBA experience tailored for touchscreens, with intuitive controls and responsive gameplay. Matches are typically shorter compared to PC-based MOBAs, making it well-suited for mobile gaming sessions. The game features a diverse roster of heroes, each with unique abilities and playstyles.

Community Dynamics: The Vainglory community is known for its passion for mobile gaming and its commitment to competitive play. Despite facing challenges such as declining player numbers and corporate restructuring, the community remains dedicated to supporting the game and its esports scene.

Esports Scene: Vainglory’s esports scene has seen ups and downs since its inception, with Super Evil Megacorp discontinuing official support for competitive play in 2019. However, community-run tournaments and leagues continue to thrive, showcasing the game’s competitive potential and fostering a sense of camaraderie among players.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, developed by Moonton, has become one of the most popular mobile MOBAs globally since its release in 2016. Inspired by games like League of Legends and Dota 2, Mobile Legends offers fast-paced gameplay and intuitive touchscreen controls.

Gameplay Mechanics: Mobile Legends features classic MOBA gameplay optimized for mobile devices, with matches lasting around 15-20 minutes on average. The game boasts a diverse roster of heroes, each with unique abilities and playstyles, as well as a variety of game modes to cater to different player preferences.

Community Dynamics: The Mobile Legends community is characterized by its global reach and diverse player base, with millions of players from around the world competing in ranked matches and tournaments. The game’s accessibility and free-to-play model have contributed to its widespread popularity, particularly in regions like Southeast Asia.

Esports Scene: Mobile Legends has established itself as a major player in the mobile esports scene, with regular tournaments and leagues hosted by Moonton and its partners. The Mobile Legends: Bang Bang World Championship serves as the premier international competition, attracting top teams from across the globe to compete for glory and prize money.


Battlerite, developed by Stunlock Studios, offers a unique take on the MOBA genre with its focus on fast-paced arena battles and skill-based gameplay. Released in 2017, Battlerite has garnered praise for its tight controls, strategic depth, and competitive multiplayer experience.

Gameplay Mechanics: Battlerite eschews traditional MOBA elements like lanes and towers in favor of arena-style combat, where players engage in intense 2v2 or 3v3 battles to defeat the opposing team. Matches are fast-paced and skill-based, requiring precise timing, positioning, and teamwork to secure victory.

Community Dynamics: The Battlerite community is known for its dedication to mastering the game’s mechanics and competing at a high level. While the player base may be smaller compared to larger MOBAs, Battlerite maintains a passionate following and active community forum where players share strategies, tips, and feedback.

Esports Scene: Battlerite’s competitive scene has seen growth in recent years, with tournaments and leagues organized by Stunlock Studios and community-run organizations. The Battlerite Pro League serves as the premier competitive league, featuring top teams from around the world competing for cash prizes and recognition.

Heroes of Newerth (HoN)

Heroes of Newerth, developed by S2 Games, was one of the early contenders in the MOBA genre, drawing inspiration from the original Defense of the Ancients (DotA) mod for Warcraft III. Launched in 2010, HoN aimed to provide a faithful recreation of the DotA experience with updated graphics and new features.

Gameplay Mechanics: Heroes of Newerth closely resembles the gameplay of the original DotA, with players controlling powerful heroes battling it out on a map divided into three lanes. The game features a diverse roster of heroes, each with unique abilities and roles, as well as familiar mechanics such as last-hitting, denying, and itemization.

Community Dynamics: The Heroes of Newerth community initially thrived on the game’s similarities to DotA and its dedicated player base. However, as newer MOBAs entered the market, HoN faced challenges in retaining its player population and competing for attention in an increasingly crowded genre.

Esports Scene: Heroes of Newerth had a modest esports scene during its peak years, with tournaments and leagues organized by S2 Games and third-party organizers. However, the game struggled to maintain momentum in the face of competition from other MOBAs and eventually shifted focus away from competitive play.


Awesomenauts, developed by Ronimo Games, offers a unique blend of 2D platforming and MOBA gameplay set in a colorful, cartoonish universe. Released in 2012, Awesomenauts stood out from other MOBAs with its accessible mechanics, quirky characters, and lighthearted atmosphere.

Gameplay Mechanics: Awesomenauts simplifies traditional MOBA mechanics into a 2D side-scrolling format, where players control characters known as “Awesomenauts” and battle for control of a solar-collecting device called the Solar Drill. Matches are fast-paced and action-packed, emphasizing teamwork and strategic positioning.

Community Dynamics: The Awesomenauts community is known for its tight-knit player base and active engagement with the developers. Despite its smaller size compared to larger MOBAs, Awesomenauts maintains a dedicated following and continues to receive updates and support from Ronimo Games.

Esports Scene: While Awesomenauts had a competitive scene with tournaments and leagues organized by the community, it never reached the same level of prominence as other MOBAs. However, the game’s unique gameplay and vibrant art style earned it a dedicated fanbase and a place in the hearts of many players.


Demigod, developed by Gas Powered Games, offered a fresh take on the MOBA genre with its emphasis on strategy and RPG elements. Released in 2009, Demigod aimed to combine the depth of traditional strategy games with the action-packed gameplay of MOBAs.

Gameplay Mechanics: Demigod features a roster of powerful demigods battling for supremacy on various maps, each with unique abilities and playstyles. Players control their chosen demigod and work to destroy the opposing team’s citadel while managing resources, leveling up, and equipping items to enhance their abilities.

Community Dynamics: The Demigod community was relatively small compared to other MOBAs, but it was passionate about the game’s strategic depth and engaging gameplay. However, the game faced challenges such as balance issues and technical problems, which impacted its long-term viability.

Esports Scene: Demigod never achieved significant success as an esport, with limited support from the developer and a lack of widespread interest from players and organizers. While there were occasional tournaments and community events, Demigod struggled to maintain momentum in a competitive market dominated by other MOBAs.

Monday Night Combat

Monday Night Combat, developed by Uber Entertainment, blended elements of MOBAs with third-person shooter gameplay in a futuristic sports-themed setting. Released in 2010, Monday Night Combat offered a unique multiplayer experience that appealed to fans of both genres.

Gameplay Mechanics: Monday Night Combat pits two teams of players against each other in a futuristic arena, to destroy the opposing team’s Moneyball while defending their own. Players can choose from a variety of character classes, each with unique weapons and abilities, and work together to secure victory.

Community Dynamics: The Monday Night Combat community was relatively small compared to other MOBAs, but it was passionate about the game’s fast-paced action and strategic depth. However, the game faced challenges such as balance issues and a lack of updates, which led to a decline in player interest over time.

Esports Scene: Monday Night Combat did not achieve significant success as an esports, with limited support from the developer and a lack of widespread interest from players and organizers. While there were occasional tournaments and community events, Monday Night Combat struggled to establish itself in a competitive market dominated by other MOBAs.

Realm of the Titans

Realm of the Titans, developed by Ningbo Shengguang Tianyi Interactive Entertainment Co., was a free-to-play MOBA that aimed to compete with established titles like League of Legends and Dota 2. Released in 2011, Realm of the Titans featured a fantasy-themed world and classic MOBA gameplay mechanics.

Gameplay Mechanics: Realm of the Titans followed the traditional MOBA formula, with players controlling powerful heroes battling it out on a map divided into lanes. The game featured a diverse roster of heroes, each with unique abilities and roles, as well as familiar mechanics such as last-hitting, itemization, and map control.

Community Dynamics: The Realm of the Titans community was relatively small compared to larger MOBAs, but it was enthusiastic about the game’s competitive gameplay and engaging mechanics. However, the game struggled to attract a large player base and faced challenges in retaining player interest over time.

Esports Scene: Realm of the Titans did not achieve significant success as an esport, with limited support from the developer and a lack of widespread interest from players and organizers. While there were occasional tournaments and community events, Realm of the Titans failed to gain traction in a competitive market dominated by other MOBAs.

Prime World

Prime World, developed by Nival, offered a unique blend of MOBA gameplay with elements of base building and resource management. Released in 2012, Prime World aimed to innovate on the traditional MOBA formula with its focus on player progression and customization.

Gameplay Mechanics: Prime World combined traditional MOBA mechanics with base building and resource management elements, allowing players to construct buildings, recruit units, and customize their heroes with various talents and abilities. Matches were typically divided into two phases: the Skirmish phase, where players battled for control of resources, and the Combat phase, where they fought to destroy the enemy base.

Community Dynamics: The Prime World community was relatively small compared to larger MOBAs, but it was dedicated to exploring the game’s unique features and mechanics. However, the game struggled to attract a large player base outside of its native Russia and faced challenges in retaining player interest over time.

Esports Scene: Prime World did not achieve significant success as an escort, with limited support from the developer and a lack of widespread interest from players and organizers. While there were occasional tournaments and community events, Prime World failed to gain traction in a competitive market dominated by other MOBAs.


In conclusion, the MOBA genre continues to thrive with a diverse range of games catering to different player preferences and platforms. From PC-based titans like League of Legends and Dota 2 to mobile sensations like Arena of Valor and Mobile Legends, there’s something for everyone in the world of MOBAs.

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran looking for intense competition or a casual player seeking quick gaming sessions on your smartphone, the best MOBA games of today offer endless opportunities for excitement, strategy, and camaraderie.

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