How to Use Chrome Extensions on Android Browsers (Free)

In the vast realm of technology, Chrome extensions have become an integral part of our browsing experience. These tiny add-ons offer functionalities ranging from ad blocking to grammar correction, enhancing our online interactions. While they are commonly associated with desktop browsing, did you know that you can also install Chrome extensions on your Android device? Let’s delve into this intriguing possibility and explore the wonders it unlocks.

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What are Chrome Extensions?

Chrome extensions are small software programs that add specific functionalities to the Google Chrome browser. These can modify and enhance the browser’s behavior, offering users a personalized and enriched experience. From productivity tools to entertainment add-ons, Chrome extensions cater to a diverse range of needs.

The importance of Chrome extensions lies in their ability to tailor the browsing experience to individual preferences. Users can choose extensions that align with their requirements, making their online journey smoother and more efficient.

Not everyone is aware that Chrome extensions can seamlessly integrate with Android devices. This compatibility opens up a new dimension for users who heavily rely on their smartphones for browsing.

How to use Chrome extensions on Android

Several browsers support extensions, but only two allow installation from the Chrome Web Store. Yandex and Kiwi Browser are different from ours, allowing you to access the extension directly from the web store. Here’s how to install Chrome extensions on Android using these two browsers.

How to install Chrome extensions on Kiwi Browser

Kiwi Browser for Android has become a game-changer in the world of mobile browsing, offering a seamless experience with its unique features. One such feature that can elevate your browsing experience is the ability to install Chrome extensions. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to unlock the full potential of the Kiwi Browser by adding Chrome extensions.

Step 1: Embracing Kiwi Browser

First things first, ensure you have Kiwi Browser installed on your Android device. Head to the Google Play Store, search for Kiwi Browser and hit the install button. Once installed, launch the browser, and let’s embark on this journey together.

Step 2: Navigating to the Chrome Web Store

To enhance the Kiwi Browser with Chrome extensions, we need to access the Chrome Web Store. Tap on the three dots in the top-right corner of your Kiwi Browser screen to reveal the menu. From there, select “Extensions,” and you’re ready for the next step.

Step 3: Choosing Your Extension

Browsing through the Chrome Web Store, you’ll encounter a plethora of extensions catering to various needs. Whether it’s productivity, design, or entertainment, there’s an extension for everyone. Select the one that aligns with your requirements, and click on the “Add to Chrome” button.

Step 4: Embracing the Magic – Adding the Extension

After clicking “Add to Chrome,” a confirmation pop-up will appear. Confirm your choice by clicking “Add Extension,” and watch as Kiwi Browser seamlessly integrates the extension into its functionality. The magic is happening!

Step 5: Confirming the Addition

To ensure your chosen extension has been successfully added, navigate back to the Kiwi Browser menu and select “Extensions.” Here, you’ll find a list of all the extensions you’ve added. Confirm that your desired extension is on the list, and voilà – you’ve just expanded the capabilities of Kiwi Browser.

How to install Chrome extensions on Yandex

Yandex for Android offers a seamless and personalized browsing experience, and did you know you can take it a step further by integrating Chrome extensions? In this concise guide, we’ll walk you through the effortless process of installing Chrome extensions on Yandex, unlocking a world of possibilities right on your mobile device.

Step 1: Embracing Yandex Browser

Before we delve into the world of extensions, ensure you have Yandex Browser installed on your Android device. Head to the Google Play Store, search for Yandex Browser, and hit the install button. Once installed, launch the browser, and let’s get ready to enhance your browsing journey.

Step 2: Accessing the Chrome Web Store

To tap into the vast array of Chrome extensions, you need to navigate to the Chrome Web Store. Open your Yandex Browser, locate the three horizontal lines in the bottom-right corner (the menu icon), and select “Extensions.” This will seamlessly redirect you to the Chrome Web Store.

Step 3: Exploring Extension Options

Now that you’re in the Chrome Web Store, explore the multitude of extensions available. Whether you’re looking for ad blockers, productivity tools, or enhanced security, the store has something for everyone. Find an extension that aligns with your needs and click on “Add to Chrome.”

Step 4: Confirming the Addition

Once you’ve selected your desired extension, a confirmation pop-up will appear. Click “Add Extension” to seamlessly integrate it into your Yandex Browser. Witness the enhancement happening in real time.

Step 5: Verifying Installed Extensions

To ensure the successful addition of your chosen extension, head back to the Yandex Browser menu, select “Extensions,” and confirm that your newly added extension is listed. Congratulations, you’ve just personalized and expanded the capabilities of your Yandex browsing experience.

Popular Chrome Extensions For Android


AdBlock, a household name in the realm of Chrome extensions, isn’t just for desktop users. This extension takes center stage in creating a distraction-free browsing environment. By blocking intrusive ads, AdBlock ensures a seamless and focused online experience. Installing and configuring AdBlock on your Android device is a breeze, making it a must-try extension.


Imagine having a personal content library that you can access anytime, anywhere. Pocket turns this into a reality. This extension allows you to save articles, videos, and web pages for later viewing. Learn how to integrate Pocket with Chrome on your Android device and transform your browser into a curated content haven.


Security should never be compromised, especially when it comes to managing passwords. LastPass emerges as the ultimate password manager, ensuring that your sensitive information is secure. Discover the ease of setting up and using LastPass with Chrome on your Android, simplifying your digital life without compromising on security.

Dark Reader

In a world where screens dominate our lives, eye health is a priority. Dark Reader steps in to protect your eyes and enhance your overall browsing experience. Uncover the benefits of using a dark mode extension on your Android device and learn how to customize Dark Reader to suit your preferences.

While AdBlock, Pocket, LastPass, and Dark Reader steal the spotlight, there are other noteworthy Chrome extensions for Android users. Explore a brief overview of additional extensions that cater to various needs, providing users with a diverse set of tools to customize their browsing experience.

Pros and Cons of Using Chrome Extensions on Android

Delve into the advantages and potential drawbacks of using Chrome extensions on Android. From improved functionality to potential performance issues, understanding the pros and cons equips users with the knowledge to make informed decisions about integrating extensions into their mobile browsing routine.


In conclusion, the world of Chrome extensions on Android opens up a realm of possibilities for customization and enhanced functionality. Whether it’s AdBlock for a distraction-free experience, Pocket for curated content, LastPass for secure password management, or Dark Reader for eye protection, these extensions cater to diverse needs. Embrace the potential of Chrome extensions on Android and tailor your browsing experience to align with your preferences.

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