10 Ways to Making Firefox Faster and Boost Performance

If you’ve been using Firefox for a long time, you’ve probably noticed that it’s getting slower over time. Maybe it takes a few seconds to start or the webpage takes a little longer to load. You may start to notice that it takes a second or more to switch between tabs, or that menu options don’t pop up instantly.

If your Firefox installation is running slower or freezing than you care, there are several ways to speed things up a bit.

In this blog, I’m going to go through all the tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years to keep Firefox boosted and efficient. Depending on your operating system and system configuration, some tweaks may give you more boost than others.

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Why is my Mozilla Firefox so slow?

Firefox is one of the best browsers on the market right now, rivaling the performance of many other browsers. Unfortunately, some users have reported experiencing slowdowns for no apparent reason. Fortunately, Firefox can be made faster by following a few simple steps.

So, you are probably here reading this blog post because Firefox is running slow on your device. The main reason Firefox is slow is because of customizations in your browser. With all the extensions and plugins available, Firefox can start to feel sluggish after a while.

There could be several reasons why Mozilla Firefox is running slowly on your computer.

10 Epic Tweaks to Make Firefox Faster (5x)

Firefox stands out as a popular browser choice, cherished for its versatility and open-source nature. In a world where speed is of the essence, ensuring your browser operates at its peak is crucial. Let’s delve into ten game-changing tweaks that will enhance your Firefox browsing experience.

1. Refresh Firefox

Refreshing Firefox is akin to giving it a digital spa day. It clears accumulated clutter, resets settings, and revitalizes its performance. To do this, click on the hamburger menu, go to Help, and select “Troubleshooting Information.” From there, click “Refresh Firefox,” and let the magic unfold.

2. Update Firefox

An outdated browser is like a sluggish car desperately in need of a tune-up. Regularly updating Firefox ensures you benefit from the latest features, security patches, and, most importantly, speed improvements. Simply go to the menu, click on Help, and select “About Firefox” to check for updates.

3. Private Browsing

Engage your incognito mode! Private browsing not only enhances your privacy but can also boost your browsing speed. Activate it by clicking on the menu, selecting “New Private Window,” and enjoy a faster, more confidential online experience.

4. Free Up Memory

Firefox, like any other application, functions better with ample memory. If your browser feels sluggish, consider closing unused tabs or extensions to free up memory. This small tweak can make a significant difference in performance.

5. Clear Cache, Cookies, and History

Digital footprints may slow you down. Regularly clearing your cache, cookies, and browsing history can give your browser a clean slate, leading to improved speed. Navigate to the menu, click on History, and select “Clear Recent History” to get started.

6. Disable Add-ons

While add-ons offer additional functionalities, an excess of them can hinder your browser’s speed. Evaluate your installed add-ons, disable unnecessary ones, and witness a noticeable boost in Firefox’s performance.

7. Enable Hardware Acceleration

Harness the power of your hardware! Enabling hardware acceleration offloads certain tasks to your computer’s graphics card, resulting in faster rendering of web pages. Head to Settings, then Performance, and check the box for “Use hardware acceleration when available.”

8. Update Graphics Driver

A rusty graphics driver can bottleneck your browser’s performance. Stay on the fast track by updating your graphics driver regularly. Visit your computer manufacturer’s website or the graphics card manufacturer’s site for the latest updates.

9. Manage Your Tabs

Ever wondered why your browser slows down with numerous open tabs? Each tab consumes resources, impacting overall speed. Adopt efficient tab management by closing unnecessary tabs and organizing the rest into groups.

10. Prevent/Turn Off Accessibility Services

While accessibility services are essential for some users, they can impact speed. If you don’t need them, consider turning them off. Visit your browser settings, navigate to Accessibility, and customize according to your preferences.

11. Safe Mode

When troubleshooting speed issues, Firefox’s Safe Mode is your ally. It disables add-ons and uses default settings, helping identify the root cause of performance concerns. Enter Safe Mode by holding down the Shift key while launching Firefox.

Other Settings

There are a couple of more obscure settings that could speed up your Firefox browsing, but results are not guaranteed. It’s best to test these and see if there is any noticeable difference.

network.dns.disableIPv6 – true

browser.tabs.animate – false

browser.display.show_image_placeholders – false

Hopefully, your installation of Firefox is running a bit faster. I don’t recommend using add-ons like FasterFox because they only change the settings we have talked about above and adding more add-ons to speed up Firefox just doesn’t make any sense. If you have your tip for speeding up Firefox, let us know in the comments. Enjoy!


Incorporating these ten epic tweaks can transform your Firefox browsing experience, making it faster, more efficient, and more enjoyable. Experiment with these adjustments, and tailor them to suit your preferences. Remember, a faster browser not only saves time but enhances your overall online experience.

We hope these methods have helped you speed up Mozilla Firefox. If not, there are many other ways to get more out of your browsing experience It’s also possible that it’s time to try a new browser. Most modern browsers can even import your bookmarks, saved passwords, and more from Firefox!

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